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Why IPSA's Long-Selling Moisturizer "The Time Reset Aqua" Continues to Be Loved

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With the concept of “bringing out the beauty each person possesses,” IPSA is a cosmetics brand that enjoys support from a wide range of generations.
In particular, the medicinal lotion "The Time Reset Aqua" has been beloved not only in Japan since its launch in 2002 but also widely appreciated in the Asian region.
This time, to explore the reasons behind IPSA's enduring popularity, we spoke with Masami Kanno from the company’s PR department about their commitment to product creation and initiatives.
Masami Kanno
Masami Kanno

Masami Kanno joined IPSA in 2009. After six years of experience as a recipe specialist (beauty advisor) at retail locations, she moved to the head office in 2015. From 2015 to 2020, she was in charge of product planning, primarily focusing on the plan and development of makeup products.
Since August 2020, she has taken on PR responsibilities. A key aspect of her PR activities is the concept of “individual attention,” which aligns with the brand’s philosophy. She focuses on building relationships through personalized communication with each press member.

Product Creation that Values “IPSA-ness”

First, can you tell us about the journey of IPSA?
“IPSA” is a Japanese skincare brand that was established in 1987. While its primary sales are in Japan, it has expanded to areas in Asia, like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore. Notably, in China, the number of stores has now surpassed that in Japan.
The product "The Time Reset Aqua," which you are focusing on, is also popular among Chinese consumers.
Even before the pandemic, inbound demand had been rising significantly. Now that we have increased production lines at our factory, we can supply adequately, but back then, we had to limit the number of purchases per person.
The product categories we offer have not changed since our founding. Although we started primarily as a skincare brand, we have also been offering base makeup and point makeup items since the beginning.
“IPSA” means “one's own” or “spontaneous” in Latin. True to this definition, the brand’s concept is to “bring out the beauty of the individual.”
In 1987, brands focused on the “individual” must have been rare, right?
Indeed. At that time, it was common to mimic the hairstyles and makeup of popular idols, so the idea of “bringing out attractiveness by utilizing one's own features and individuality” was a different approach from other companies.
In an era that was chasing trends, it was a brand born from innovative thinking, which was accepted by those who sought something advanced at that time.
What are the key principles your company values in product creation?
Of course, we make products that respond to what our customers inherently seek, but we also place great importance on whether it embodies the essence of “IPSA.”
Regarding “IPSA-ness,” it has been a topic of substantial debate within the company. Elements such as simplicity, sincerity, essence, and the ability to enhance individual personality are highlighted in our brand philosophy, and these points are at the core of product development.
Before I was assigned to the PR department, I was involved in product planning where we incorporated persona marketing to ensure there were no discrepancies in our understanding of IPSA-ness during development.
Furthermore, we also prioritize safety in our manufacturing process. The development period is lengthy, typically taking about 4 to 5 years for skincare items and around 2 years for makeup products.
We engage in various activities, not only repeating prototypes but also conducting guarantee tests and in-depth research to explore customer needs.
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