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LUX 35th Anniversary Innovation: The Potential of the Japanese Market Discovered by a Global Brand

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In the Japanese hair care market, LUX has proudly claimed the No.1 sales position for eight consecutive years[1]. Although LUX is a brand launched by Unilever, headquartered in the UK, its hair care products are actually rooted in Japan. It has been 35 years since its core product, "LUX Super Rich Shine," was born in Japan.
This time, we investigated the background behind how this globally popular British brand developed and marketed hair care in Japan, delving into the secrets of LUX's unchallenged popularity in the hair care market.
Mizuki Tanaka
Mizuki Tanaka

Unilever Japan Customer Marketing K.K.
Marketing – Beauty & Wellbeing
Business Performance & Innovation Design
Brand Manager

Reasons for LUX's Launch of Hair Care in Japan

In 1972, LUX arrived in Japan as a cosmetic soap. Although LUX is deployed across various countries, why was the first hair care product of LUX developed in Japan 36 years ago?
"At the time of development, Japan was positioned as a significant, large market from the viewpoint of the UK.
"The bubble economy greatly influenced Japan, and it was an era where women's participation in society was remarkable. While researching the competition, we concluded that there was an opportunity for hair care products promoting beauty aimed at women in Japan."
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