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Exploring the Craftsmanship of the Spanish Shoe Brand "Camper"

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With the concept of "sustainability," aiming for a sustainable society while considering the Earth's environment as much as possible, gaining traction among the general public, various countries, regions, companies, and organizations are promoting and actively implementing sustainability initiatives.
One such brand is the contemporary shoe brand from Mallorca, Spain, "Camper", which continues to advocate for sustainability with the slogan "Walk, Don’t Run." This means elevating the everyday act of walking into a "fun and happy time."
Recently announced as part of their 2023 spring/summer collection, the shoe "Karst" has garnered significant attention for its unique, sporty design inspired by the nature of Mallorca, as well as its use of environmentally considerate materials, embodying a sustainable spirit.
We interviewed Makiko Watanabe, Senior Manager of the Product Division at Camper Japan Inc., the distributor of Camper in Japan. She discussed the appeal and sustainable features of the new model "Karst," as well as the specific environmental initiatives Camper has cherished over the years and their commitment to craftsmanship.
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