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Why is the Cap Brand ’47, which has Grown from Wagon Sales to Officially Licensed by MLB, so Popular?

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The brand '’47', which was born in Boston, America in 1947, now has a strong presence among competing cap brands. This article tells the story of how a brand, which started with wagon sales near Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox, grew into an official licensee of MLB. Alongside revisiting the not-so-well-known history of '47, I interviewed Taizo Date, the brand's general manager, to introduce their product line and to understand why it has been so popular among young people.

It All Started with Twin Italian Immigrants Selling Pennants

The story of '47 was woven by twin brothers, Arthur & Henry D'Angelo who immigrated to America from Italy. Initially, the brothers used to sell newspapers around Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox, to earn their living. In 1946, when the Red Sox finally won the American League in MLB, a huge championship flag was raised. Spotting an opportunity, the twins thought that selling these flags could prove to be a profitable business. Therefore, they established a company, "Twins Enterprises", the predecessor of '47, in 1947 and started selling pennants.
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