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From Ameyoko to Kuramae, the 46-Year Commitment to American Goods at the Long-Established General Goods Store "Garakuta Boeki" Founded in 1979

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The long-established general goods store "Garakuta Boeki" offers a wide range of retro American goods. It has been a year since the store moved from Ameyoko to Kuramae. We spoke with Hitoshi Ikeda, the head of the product department at Sunny Inc., about the store's 46-year history and recent changes.

The First Store of Garakuta Boeki was in Ochanomizu

"The first store of Garakuta Boeki was opened in 1979 by the previous generation near the Surugadai intersection close to Ochanomizu Station. Initially, it was a store selling clothes and goods purchased in America.
"Later, it expanded to multiple locations in various neighborhoods such as Shimokitazawa, Meguro, Shinjuku Alta, Kagurazaka, and Yokohama. The store operated under different names, each with distinct assortments and concepts.
"Additionally, there were franchise-like operations of Garakuta Boeki in Sapporo and Sendai. The Ameyoko store opened in 1993, during which time the management transitioned to the previous generation, and it operated in Ameyoko for a remarkable 30 years."
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