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Tastes Ranging from the 1990s to the 2000s – Bags that Only "Oakley®" Can Create!

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From sunglasses to various active sports, "Oakley" is widely loved.
Currently, there is a notable trend among fashionable individuals seeking Oakley® bags from the 1990s to the 2000s. Therefore, this time, we will introduce bags that inherit the DNA of that era.

The Roots of Oakley®

First, let's learn about the roots and basic information of Oakley®. Oakley® was born in 1975 in Southern California, USA.
The brand name “Oakley” is said to be derived from the name of the founder's dog.
Entering the 1980s, they developed sports goggles and actively expanded their eyewear offerings. Due to their high quality, top athletes worldwide engaged in elite sports came to trust Oakley® products, leading to growth as a leading brand in sports eyewear.
Today, Oakley holds over 900 patents and has expanded its territory into apparel and accessories through design and innovation, establishing itself as a unique brand catering to users with sport performance needs and an active lifestyle.
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