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The Challenge of Aww & ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE in Upcycling Fishing Nets, Which Make Up 40% of Marine Waste

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The travel brand Aww, which proposes exciting journeys, has been focusing on sustainable products made with cactus leather and apple leather. This summer, they announced the collection, For the Blue Collection, using recycled fishing nets (discarded fishing nets), one of the main causes of marine waste.
Behind this collaboration lies the activities of the general incorporated association ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE, which aims to protect rich seas and pass them on to the next generation. To solve the internationally recognized issue of marine waste, they coordinate cooperation between companies and aim to effectively use resources and reduce the environmental burden on the marine environment through creating products utilizing discarded fishing nets (Product for the Blue).
This time, we spoke with Megumi Ishida, founder of Aww, and Koichi Nomura, president of ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE, about the issue of marine waste and the appeal of sustainable products born from it.
Megumi Ishida
Megumi Ishida

Founder of travel item brand, Aww, and CEO of MOVED

Having experienced a life-changing trip to San Diego, USA, during her university days, she started the travel brand "Aww" in 2020 to let as many people as possible experience the joy and wonder of travel. She offers a variety of travel goods, including travel suitcases, and runs a travel community.

Koichi Nomura
Koichi Nomura


After experience in public relations and CSR promotion, pushing forward businesses in China, and IR in the manufacturing industry, he became an independent consultant in 2019. He established the general incorporated association ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE in 2020, using his experience in the manufacturing industry and knowledge as a sustainability consultant to pass down the blessings of the sea to future generations.

The Starting Point of Travel Brand "Aww"

Please tell us about the profile of the brand.
IshidaIt's a sustainable brand launched in January 2020, with the concept of "a journey that makes your heart thrill as you meet a yet-unknown self." The brand name "Aww" comes from the expression of awe or surprise, such as "aww," in English.
When you travel, there are many moments that move your heart. Each of these moments is an opportunity to notice what you have inside and a chance to update yourself to a new self. I hope our customers can have such experiences.
Please tell us what led to the collaboration with ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE.
IshidaOne of the attractions of travel is experiencing the vastness of the earth and nature firsthand. Through these travels, we wanted to act sustainably, so since around 2022, we've been dealing with products using cactus leather, apple leather, and recycled polyester.
However, there are limits to what we can do on our own. While considering the global environment, we wanted to go a step further, not just using sustainable materials but engaging in activities that relate to the sea, which we frequently encounter during travels. As we were exploring such activities, we met ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE.
What sparked your interest in sustainability?
IshidaOriginally, I questioned the mass production and consumption system as someone involved in manufacturing.
But even if we appeal to general consumers to live an eco-friendly or sustainable life, I believe they wouldn't know what to do. So, we needed to convey what eco and sustainable mean in a more easily imaginable form.
When we used leather derived from cacti or apples, we thought someone might become interested from there, which led to our product development.

Passing Down the Richness of the Sea to the Next Generation

Let's hear about the activities of ALLIANCE FOR THE BLUE.
NomuraWe are a general incorporated association established in 2020 with support from the Nippon Foundation.
Japan, being an island nation, lives with the benefits of the sea. However, many people do not recognize its value, and we are now facing major issues such as the deepening marine waste problem and declining fish catches due to isoyake. We felt that this situation must change and started initiatives to solve marine issues in cooperation with several companies.
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