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Expressing the World of "Chuck Taylor" Through Clothing! Converse's New Value Proposition

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Chuck Taylor. Needless to say, it's the legendary shoe from Converse that was beloved by Charles H. Taylor, the professional basketball star of yesteryears.
And in February 2023, a new chapter was added to this legend. The apparel line "Chuck Taylor Clothing" was launched.
This time, we had the opportunity to speak in detail with Kohei Okamoto, who was involved in launching Chuck Taylor Clothing and is now the lead of the project, about the background and the current lineup of the brand.

The Reason Behind the Creation of the Apparel Line for Iconic Shoes

First of all, "Chuck Taylor" is another name for Converse’s All Star. These days, vintage All Star models from the '60s characterized by a three-star heel label, reinforcement patches on the upper section, and side stitches are referred to as Chuck Taylors.
Regarding the history of using the name of these iconic shoes, Okamoto explains:
"About a year and a half before the launch, the team repeatedly went through trial and error, but the goal was always simple. What we pursued was creating 'the best product.'
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