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Hailing from Sweden: The Japanese Debut of the Cashmere Brand "Linnea Lund" that Aims for Timeless Wear

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The supreme cashmere spun from goats. That warm feeling is coming back with the season.
Among the knits and outerwear displayed in Paris show windows, "once you wrap yourself in it, you won't want to go back" has garnered praise for "Linnea Lund," created by Charlotte Linnea Björklund.
Charlotte aims to produce timeless cashmere wear that is gentle on both the environment and the wearer, based on sustainable production systems. Utilizing her Swedish roots and Paris upbringing, she is developing a brand that blends Scandinavian friendliness with French effortless aesthetics.
Charlotte Linnea Björklund

Founder of "Linnea Lund"

Born and raised in Paris to Swedish parents. She started her career at the renowned agency Trend Union, famous for its foresight in fashion trend forecasting. After becoming independent, she worked as a consultant for "Céline" and Italian yarn manufacturers, enchanted by Italian craftsmanship, and established her cashmere brand in 2020.

The Philosophy of "Linnea Lund" Mastering the Essence of Cashmere

First, could you tell us what inspired you to launch "Linnea Lund"?
I have been a fan of cashmere for a long time, but I often felt frustrated by the lack of high-quality clothing with traceable origins, compositions, and reliability. So, I decided to create it myself.
This project embodies a strong desire to infuse Italian craftsmanship, French elegance, and Scandinavian spirit, offering quality cashmere with uncompromising quality and traceability at a fair price.
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