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Unlocking the Natural Power of Human Feet: Running Sandal Brand "LUNA SANDALS"

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Recently, while thick-soled running shoes dominate the market, thin-soled running sandals are gaining attention.
A prime example is "LUNA SANDALS." Founded in 2009 by Ted McDonald (hereafter, Ted), this brand promotes "barefoot running" that draws out the natural strength of human feet.
We spoke to Kiyoshi Nakatani and Yosuke Nishio from Lotus Corp, who handle the PR for the brand, about the appeal, features, design dedication, and future outlook of LUNA SANDALS.
Kiyoshi Nakatani

Lotus Corp LUNA SANDALS Chief Brand Officer

Yosuke Nishio

Lotus Corp LUNA SANDALS Brand Communication Manager

The Birth of the Brand: Meeting the "Running Tribe"

Could you tell us about the origins of LUNA SANDALS?
Kiyoshi Nakatani (hereafter "Nakatani")The founding of LUNA SANDALS began with Ted's long battle with running injuries. In 2006, he met the Tarahumara people in Mexico and was deeply impressed by their traditional footwear, "huarache" sandals, made from old tires.
The Tarahumara are known as the "running tribe" and are famous for running long distances in simple sandals. It was from Manuel Luna of the Tarahumara that Ted learned how to craft huaraches and the philosophy behind them, leading to the creation of LUNA SANDALS.
Why did you choose thin-soled sandals over thick ones?
Yosuke Nishio (hereafter "Nishio")To regain the natural functions of the human foot and develop a natural running form with fewer injuries. Thick-soled shoes provide cushioning that supports the foot, but they can obscure proper landing, leading to running injuries.
In contrast, thin-soled sandals recreate the sensation of running barefoot, allowing one to develop a natural running form through the sound of footfalls and muscle fatigue, thereby avoiding injuries. This is why LUNA SANDALS are called "sandals that teach you how to run."

Why You Can Run in Thin-Soled Sandals

How are they made "tough enough to run in"?
NakataniThe key is a design that eliminates unnecessary parts as much as possible, thus reducing potential issues with parts malfunction.
Secondly, the adjustable strap system ensures a tailored fit for each user. These straps are made of soft material to prevent chafing and discomfort, even during extended use.
Additionally, the use of Vibram's durable rubber soles contributes to the sandal's toughness. While Vibram soles are often perceived as rugged, LUNA SANDALS adopts lightweight and flexible versions that follow foot movements.
What challenges did you face when commercializing the product?
NishioWhen we started in Seattle in 2009, almost everything was handmade, making manufacturing efficiency and quality control our biggest challenges, along with repeated design trials.
LUNA SANDALS feature a minimalist design that emphasizes free foot movement but needs to combine durability and comfort. We spent considerable time and effort in designing straps that fit the foot while preventing chafing and selecting sole materials that can withstand long use.
Moreover, brand building was crucial to ensure market acceptance. Since LUNA SANDALS are different from conventional sports shoes, we carefully crafted a marketing strategy to communicate their benefits to consumers.
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