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Tracing the 10-Year Journey of "STATE OF ESCAPE," the Highly Popular Mother's Bag from Australia

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Despite being ultra-lightweight, it is sturdy, compact to fold, and washable, making it user-friendly. With all these charms, the Australian bag brand "STATE OF ESCAPE" has celebrated its 10th anniversary.
The large capacity bags, suitable for everything from daily use to business and short trips, can also be used as a mother’s bag for parents who often have bulky luggage. Due to their practicality, the company has expanded its business globally over the past 10 years.
Managed by women, "STATE OF ESCAPE" has promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion as key elements for success in both business and branding, while engaging in sustainability with consideration for the global environment. This year, they won B Corporation certification[1] as a culmination of their 10 years of effort. The brand has long enjoyed high support in Japan, and co-founders Brigitte MacGowan and Desley Maidment are set to visit for a pop-up at Isetan Shinjuku Store starting September 4.
This time, we posed various questions to the two of them, from the journey leading to the brand's inception to the background of their collection production, as well as how they balance motherhood and work.
Brigitte MacGowan & Desley Maidment
Brigitte MacGowan & Desley Maidment

Left: Brigitte MacGowan
Co-founder of "STATE OF ESCAPE"

After earning a degree in graphic design in Perth, Brigitte worked as a freelance graphic designer while engaged at a design agency. Ten years later, she had the opportunity to start a business with her husband and travel the world.

Right: Desley Maidment
Co-founder of "STATE OF ESCAPE"

Desley spent her first ten years of life traveling and living around the world before earning a business degree from the University of New England. After working in human resources and banking roles in London and Sydney, she met Brigitte, and together they realized their creative passion through "STATE OF ESCAPE."

Simplicity is the Key to Maximizing the Appeal of this Fabric

What kind of career did you build before establishing "STATE OF ESCAPE"?
BrigitteAfter majoring in graphic design at university, I spent my early career in design, branding, and advertising agencies. I loved my work as a graphic designer, and the process provided me with great inspiration.
While exploring better design and building brand identity, I collaborated with strategists, creators, and content creators. Growing up in a creative household allowed me to approach every design positively.
Strongly influenced by my mother, who was a sewer and artist, I also engaged in various mediums and projects. Meeting neoprene fabric over a decade ago sparked the exciting new chapter that is now "STATE OF ESCAPE."
What was the primary motivation for launching "STATE OF ESCAPE"?
BrigitteIt all started with my encounter with the fabric. Always relishing design challenges, I felt a strong creative urge when I discovered neoprene. This fabric is lightweight, durable, structurally practical, and has a luxurious feel to the touch.
Growing up along the Australian coast, I was already familiar with neoprene wetsuits. However, when I held this material, I sensed untapped possibilities to tell a unique design story.
I felt that creating bags was the most natural option, so I started with sewing. While experimenting with different shapes and silhouettes, I realized that simplicity is the key to maximizing the appeal of this fabric, which led to the birth of the “Escape Bag.”
Looking back at the past 10 years since your establishment, you have fans all around the world, including in Japan. What has been the most challenging experience during this decade?
BrigitteFrom a creative standpoint, the most challenging aspect of being a business is staying true to our design philosophy in an industry that constantly demands newness and updates.
We intentionally created products designed to withstand the test of time. They are versatile products that transcend seasons. I take pride in the fact that the original "Escape Bag" has not changed in 10 years, and our collection has naturally evolved. This is a testament to the quality and purpose of "STATE OF ESCAPE," resonating with many people.
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