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Kento Nakajima & Joichiro Fujiwara from Naniwa Danshi Become a Topic of Conversation After Wearing It: The Unique Fashion Created by Former Clinical Engineer Takahiro Ishikawa

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The artist Kento Nakajima and Joichiro Fujiwara from Naniwa Danshi have started to wear pieces by Takahiro Ishikawa, quietly drawing attention. The Official Website and Instagram serve as platforms for this up-and-coming designer.
Since he offers simple and basic items, his dedication to materials and patterns becomes apparent. What’s intriguing is that designer Takahiro Ishikawa originally worked as a clinical engineer in the medical field. What motivated this shift from healthcare to fashion design?
In this interview, Ishikawa shared his journey alongside his thoughts on garment creation. It seems his passion for fashion was the beginning of it all.
Takahiro Ishikawa

Born in 1996, studied medicine at a medical university and obtained a national qualification. After graduation, he worked in the intensive care unit and operating room of a general hospital in Tokyo as a clinical engineer. After resigning, he studied fashion creation at the Bunka Fashion College's Fashion Research Department and Technical Program and graduated. After gaining experience as a pattern maker for a collection brand, he started managing his own brand in 2023.

From "Healthcare" to "Fashion"

Everyone would be surprised by this career path. His profile states that he obtained a national qualification as a clinical engineer and worked in the intensive care unit and operating rooms of a general hospital in Tokyo. While this seems like a prestigious career, what made him abandon it to pursue fashion?
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