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What the 'Fashion Transparency Index' Ranking of Global Major Fashion Brands Means for Transparency

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The 'unisteps' has attracted much attention with the release of the 2023 version (Japanese translation) of the 'Fashion Transparency Index (FASHION TRANSPARENCY INDEX)', announced annually by FASHION REVOLUTION Global.
The index analyzes and ranks the transparency of information disclosure regarding 'human rights & the environment' in the businesses and supply chains of 250 major global fashion brands and retailers.
From Japan, Uniqlo, ASICS, MUJI, Mizuno, United Arrows, Ito-Yokado, and Shimamura are being investigated.
In this article, we speak to Yuka Okada Martín Mendo, director of 'unisteps', who was in charge of the Japanese translation, and Io Takemura, the co-representative director of the association, about the formation and significance of the Fashion Transparency Index, the differences in consciousness between Europe and Japan, and future initiatives.

'FASHION REVOLUTION' Born out of the 'Rana Plaza Collapse'

Firstly, could you tell us about the activities of 'unisteps'?
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