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HOKA's Popular Model Gets a Full Model Change – What Has Changed in the "CLIFTON 9" From Its Predecessor?

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With its thick midsole and rocker structure offering comfort and unique style, HOKA has garnered support not only in the running scene but also in fashion. The CLIFTON series has been a beloved entry model for those wearing HOKA for the first time.
The 9th generation of this iconic HOKA series has seen significant upgrades from its predecessor. The midsole foam material has been updated, and the outsole material has changed. The upper part has fewer bonded parts, resulting in a simpler design. What were the intentions behind these updates, and how has the series evolved?

Midsole Thickness & Sole Width Increased

"The most notable change, and one that runners will easily notice, is the 3mm increase in midsole thickness at both the heel and forefoot. For those who don't run regularly, 3mm might not seem significant, but it amounts to the thickness of an insole, making the difference apparent when running compared to the previous model," says Masanao Ando, Senior Field Service Rep at HOKA.

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