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The Greatness of 'NIKE PEGASUS 40' – a Long-Selling Product of Nike on its 40th Anniversary

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Introduced in 1983 as a shoe for every runner, Nike's 'Pegasus'. Since then, it has continued to evolve with the feedback of many runners, gaining trust and continuously loved over the years.
Recently, due to the sweeping of the running scene by Nike's thick-soled shoes with carbon plates, these shoes can be said to have elevated their presence as training shoes for racers. What are the reasons why 'Pegasus' continues to be loved? And how has the 'Pegasus', which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, evolved from its predecessor?
'Pegasus', which is supported by a wide range of runners from fun runners to top athletes, is highly regarded for its comfortable fit and high level of balance in the features required for running shoes.
The Pegasus is a long-selling product that Nike prides itself on. Nike Pegasus 40. 15,400 yen (tax included)
The Pegasus is a long-selling product that Nike prides itself on. Nike Pegasus 40. 15,400 yen (tax included)

Equipped with Zoom Air Units in the Forefoot & Heel

The latest series 'Nike Pegasus 40' basically follows the sole unit of the previous 'Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 39', with an updated upper.
First, let's check the functional aspect of the sole unit. In '37' and '38', the Zoom Air unit was only installed in the forefoot, but from '39' it was also installed in the heel. The rebound of the heel has improved, and with the addition of flex grooves in the sole, the shift of body weight from landing to kicking off has become smoother.
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