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Early-Stage Defect Detection in Manufacturing: Smartex Streamlining the Supply Chain

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Though there are various causes of defects in the textile manufacturing process, the majority occur during the knitting stage. Traditionally, detecting these defects has relied on manual inspection, making early-stage identification challenging. Addressing this issue, Portugal-originated Smartex was founded to provide a solution using advanced AI and machine learning algorithms to detect defects during the manufacturing process.

The Genesis and Journey of Smartex: Pioneering Defect Detection in Textile Manufacturing

Gilberto Loureiro, one of the founders of Smartex, had a consciousness of textile defects and their associated costs long before the inception of Smartex. Hailing from Portugal, Gilberto, the son of parents employed in a textile factory, spent his high school summer vacations working as an inspector of textile fabrics. Gilberto, the first in his family to pursue higher education, met Antonio Rocha, and Paulo Ribeiro and together they laid the foundation for Smartex.
A turning point came in 2015 when Gilberto and Antonio's mutual friend, Carlos Lei Santos, launched the Silicon Valley startup "UpLink." Inspired by their friend's success, they envisioned launching their own startup and identified the textile industry as an ideal target. The textile industry relied heavily on advanced machinery, yet its processes were prone to errors in manual tasks, becoming a significant source of defects.
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