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Relay Column: The future of DIY as seen from the Punk Rock Perspective (SHO ASAKAWA)

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Sho Asakawa
Sho Asakawa

A multi-creator with various titles such as graphic designer, illustrator, musician, and fashion designer.
Active in Tokyo's underground culture scene.

The Concept of DIY (Do It Yourself)

"Instead of relying on others, do it yourself."
The word "DIY," which everyone knows, was born in 1945 in post-World War II Britain.
I have been captivated by this term for many years.
Based on my own experiences, I wrote about the possibilities of DIY and technology, and how DIY has evolved in the present day.
I first encountered the term DIY when I was 13.
This was shortly after I was exposed to the Punk Rock culture movement that emerged in Britain in the late 1970s.
The day I saw a photograph of the Sex Pistols' singer, Johnny Rotten, taken by photographer Dennis Morris in the black-and-white pages of a fashion magazine was a shocking moment that remains vivid in my memory, second only to the birth of my child.
That immense shock still resonates with me clearly.
With my mind blown, I immediately ran to TSUTAYA to rent music and headed to a large bookstore in town to buy photo books. I researched what the Punks of that time were wearing and scoured books written about Punk culture… I was completely tuned into Punk Rock.
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