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Relay Column: Adventures in the Age of Information (Tenma Matsunaga)

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Tenma Matsunaga
Tenma Matsunaga

Musician, poet, occasional actor, and film director. As the vocalist and concept creator of URBANGARDE, debuted in 2008 with "少女は二度死ぬ." Responsible for all the lyrics, creating a pop yet experimental and unique linguistic world. Solo activities began in 2017, also providing lyrics and music for numerous artists including Atarashii Gakkou no Leaders. As an actor, appeared in E-Tele's "Let’s天才てれびくん" and TBS's "リコカツ." Will hold the 17th-anniversary performance "アーバンギャルドの昭和百年・野音戦争" on February 2025 at Hibiya Outdoor Music Hall.

On a hot summer day, I happened to pass by an art exhibition after work and decided to drop in. The National Art Center's "Keiichi Tanaami: Adventures in Memory" exhibition. Just a few days prior, I heard that the artist had passed away, which felt like a significant timing. The exhibition turned out to be fantastic, resonating with my often-overstimulated sensibility due to the excessive output of information. It was a world of artworks that Tanaami had continuously created throughout his life, sometimes embodying the Buddhist nirvana with a seated figure or depicting the psychedelic, hippie ideal world filled with flying goldfish. It felt like a journey, bringing a sense of drive and immersion, not just showcasing individual pieces, but constructing a grand, cohesive universe over a lifetime. Starting his career as a commercial designer, he states that the fundamentals of creation lie in "design" and "editing." The title of the exhibition, "Adventures in Memory," likely refers to the adventurous act of recording by copy-pasting and editing one's own memories. Tanaami collaged his memories and images across various media, not only painting but also graphics, sculpture, animation, and installation, to create a vast body of work.
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