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ONE BY KOSÉ Gains a New Fan Base with "CLEAR PEEL SERUM," Addressing Deep-Rooted Pore Concerns

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KOSÉ Corporation has harnessed its unique technological prowess to create the high-performance brand ONE BY KOSÉ. In 2024, it will launch the "Clear Peel Serum" as a pore care item, receiving high praise across various beauty media and winning 14 crowns for Best Cosmetics in the first half of the year.
In July, during the event FTN Sessions03 "The World of Pores" organized by Fashion Tech News, a session featuring models and beauty experts was held on the main stage to convey the charm of "CLEAR PEEL SERUM."
Upon hearing the background of the hit product "Clear Peel Serum," the unique appeal of this one-of-a-kind item and its impact on the brand became clear.

Addressing User Concerns with a Completely New Approach to Deep-rooted Pore Issues

Could you share the context behind the planning and development of "Clear Peel Serum"?
OgawaONE BY KOSÉ has been launching functionally specialized products since the debut of its medicated introduction serum in 2017. As experts in resolving skin concerns, we have developed products that reflect our customers' skin challenges. This time, we focused on pore issues.
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