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FTN Sessions03 "The World of Pores" On-Site Report

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The third FTN SESSIONS held this time took a different approach from the previous talk events and organized the first beauty event hosted by Fashion Tech News, FTN sessions03 "The World of Pores" on July 27.
The theme spotlights pores, which rank high among beauty concerns. Continuous visitors flocked in, and the venue was bustling. Here, I would like to convey the highlights of this event.

FTN's First Beauty Event

This event, held on July 27, 2024, leveraged the characteristics of Fashion Tech News to create a space where users could deeply understand brands and products through the technology and evidence related to beauty provided by exhibiting brands, allowing them to learn while having fun.
The venue was "Relo Conference Room, World Kita Aoyama Building" along Aoyama Street. With its convenient location just a 4-minute walk from Omotesando, it exceeded initial expectations with visitors flooding in. In addition to activities on the main stage, there were sales booths for cosmetics and sampling booths where attendees could experience and take home the latest items.
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