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Cloth Connecting Body & Environment: "What's the Matter?" 003 Event Report

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As an attempt to connect materials, information, and experiences, Associate Professor Yasuaki Kakehi from the University of Tokyo proposes "Material Experience Design." In the fashion domain, efforts to update clothing and materials are accelerating. Exploration into the materials and devices surrounding us, and the creation of interactive experiences through materials, will provide significant insights into the future vision of clothing/fashion.
Focusing on such "Material Experience Design," the University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, Kakehi Lab held the third talk event of "What’s the Matter?" on May 23, 2021, online. This time, the guest was Masataka Hosoo, President and CEO of HOSOO Co., Ltd., a long-established Nishijin-ori (Nishijin-style weaving) company. The event was livestreamed from HOSOO GALLERY, where the collaborative exhibition "Ambient WeavingーEnvironment and Textile" by HOSOO Co., Ltd., Kakehi Lab, and ZOZO Technologies is being held. Here, we bring you the discussion on the potential of fabric, the closest material to our bodies.

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