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Don't Miss Out! We Introduce the Most Read Articles in Fashion Tech News by Category in 2023

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The time has come again to introduce our traditional end-of-year popular article rankings. Our faithful readers of Fashion Tech News might have already noticed, but our articles are also distributed on Yahoo! News and Google News. We are becoming more visible to a larger audience, and our editorial department continues to keep its antennas tuned into the fashion industry's products, technology, and culture, striving to disseminate the latest information. As a result, we have published 485 articles this year.
All of these articles are a must-read. However, we also understand that our readers are curious about our most read articles. So this time, we have chosen two popular articles from each category, with a brief introduction. As a review of this year's fashion tech trends and key words, we hope you will once again check out each article.

Selection of 12 Remarkable Articles of 2023

Recovering the Body with Weak Electrical Stimulation: What Exactly is 'Microcurrent'?

Everyone surely wants to be healthy. If we hear that a certain food is good, many of us will rush to the supermarket, and if we know that sitting too much is not good, many of us will not miss out on exercise. These health-conscious individuals are always looking for the latest information, which likely stirred their interest in the term 'recovery' covered in this article.
In recent years, EMS, a technology that uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscles, reducing fatigue and speeding recovery from damage, has become popular. However, this technology is rapidly advancing and a new technique called 'microcurrent' has emerged. It's said to be at a level where you can no longer feel the electrical stimulation, but its effectiveness is guaranteed and it's recognized as a medical device.
In addition to foam rollers and massage guns, why not try using it as part of your daily maintenance routine?

Gaining Attention through the 'Obligation to Wear' Mandate for Bicycle Helmets: The Development Background of 'Wearable Helmets'

Imagine a typical city street. Elementary school students wear yellow hats for commuting, and junior high and high school students who commute by bicycle wear helmets. It's an ordinary sight, and parents would insist their children wear them no matter what.
But what about us, the adults? There are probably quite a few people who would fall silent when posed with the question. To be honest, many of us don't want to wear helmets because they look unstylish. But what if that mindset is a thing of the past?
The helmet developed by OGK Kabuto Co., Ltd., mentioned in this article, tackles the issues of safety and fashion. It's not a typical cyclist helmet, but a stylish helmet designed for fashion enthusiasts, with the shape of a hat.
Many people probably searched for it after the law was revised requiring a strong effort to wear helmets, but it's also likely to become popular as a fashion item even without this legal obligation.
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