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Focusing on the Globally Adored Canadian-Born Winter Boots Brand "CARIBOU™" from "SOREL"

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When it comes to winter boots that allow you to comfortably spend time in cold regions, isn't "SOREL's "CARIBOU™" the pioneer?
SOREL is well-known for winter boots, and its products even served as the uniform for the Canadian freestyle skiing team at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.
This time, I spoke with Keiko Kamohara from Columbia Sportswear Japan, who is in charge of SOREL merchandising, about the brand's roots, CARIBOU™, and some recommended items from SOREL.
“SOREL started in 1962 as a brand of Kaufman, a company making rubber boots in Ontario, Canada. It is said that SOREL was the first to attach a removable 'inner boot' to rubber boots, which led to the birth of CARIBOU™.”

The Epitome of SOREL: CARIBOU™

Let's delve into the details of SOREL's epitome, CARIBOU™. With a design that has hardly changed in over half a century, it surely contains specifications deserving of the term masterpiece.
"CARIBOU™ has not changed much since its birth in the 1960s. One of its features is the design that has been beloved for many years.
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