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Why the Beloved New Balance '860v2' is Gaining Attention among Serious Runners

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The '860v2', released in 2011 from the high-performance running shoe collection 'NBx' series, has recently been a topic of discussion as it has become the base for the touring (sole unit) of popular models such as '2002R' and '1906R', and has also been adopted for collaboration models with apparel brands.
We asked Shigeyuki Kunii, the creative director of Mita Sneakers, a key person in the sneaker scene, why the '860v2' came into the mainstream and what role it plays for New Balance.

'860v2' is the Real 'Dad Shoe'

Among New Balance's running shoes, the '860' series is positioned as an entry-level model. In fact, it has established a solid position with up to '860v13' appearing in the current models. Regarding his encounter with the '860v2', which has a new color this time, Shigeyuki Kunii answers as follows.
"The first time I recognized '860v2' was at Paris Fashion Week in 2020. At 'Sneakers N Stuff (SNS)' in Paris, they were promoting '860v2' under the pretext that those who come to Paris Fashion Week walk more than anyone else trying to discover new things, so the best sneaker for walking around Paris is this one.
"From there, '860v2' started to buzz. At that time, the fashion world was hyping up shoes with volume and a bit of a stubborn design as 'Dad shoes', but from a shoemaker's perspective, '860v2' was the real 'Dad shoe' that middle-aged men in America were wearing."
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