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Still Proudly Made in Canada: The Tough Rugby Shirts of "BARBARIAN"

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Whether it's American casual style, college style, or sports-mix style, incorporating a "BARBARIAN" rugby shirt instantly elevates the vibe.
This is because of their genuine craftsmanship and the credibility backed by over 40 years of history. We spoke with Isao Mukai from Griffin International Ltd. to learn about the brand's roots and the timeless items BARBARIAN takes pride in.

How Authentic Rugby Shirts Became a Casual Staple in Japan

Let's start with the history of BARBARIAN. What kind of products did they begin with, and how were they sold? Also, when did they start in Japan?
"BARBARIAN was founded in Canada in 1981. While today's rugby uniforms are made from functional synthetic materials, they were primarily cotton in the 1980s. The origin of the brand lies in creating rugged rugby shirts made from heavyweight US cotton.
"The 12-ounce heavyweight cotton fabric is a BARBARIAN staple. Not just for uniforms, but also for items with company logos and for schools, it was said that BARBARIAN had one of the largest shares in North America at the time.
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