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Dior Honors Women: A New Exhibition Focusing on Female Artists

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In spring 2022, after more than two years of renovation, Dior's boutique '30 Montaigne was reopened. Located at 30 Avenue Montaigne in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, it is known as the founding location where Monsieur Dior established his maison and opened his store in 1946.
Within this world's largest boutique, a restaurant and cafe replicating Monsieur Dior's favorite recipes, a couture salon for select customers, the highlight is the exhibition space loaded with historical data, 'La Galerie Dior'.
Since the reopening of '30 Montaigne', La Galerie Dior has been hosting captivating exhibitions where attendees can immerse themselves into a convergence of archive pieces, artwork, objects, and books, spanning from Monsieur Dior's roots to collections launched just months ago.
The current exhibition, open to public from November 24, 2023, to May 13, 2024, focuses on the works of Dior and female artists, launching a poetic journey into the history of the maison. This report aims to introduce the highlights of this new exhibition.
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