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Ayumi Hamasaki Captivates with the Costumes Created by Designer Hirosumi Saito, Enhancing Their Charm

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Hirosumi Saito, who creates stage costumes for top artists, as well as costumes for theme parks, commercials, and events, is responsible for the outfits of Japan's songstress "Ayumi Hamasaki" and the emerging idol group "FRUITS ZIPPER."
Using meticulously chosen materials, the stunning costumes crafted through abundant creativity instill confidence in the wearers and captivate the audience. With robust support from artists, his ability is well recognized.
How has Saito carved a path as a costume designer? We explored his journey and the behind-the-scenes of his work.
Hirosumi Saito
Hirosumi Saito

While performing in Tokyo's club culture, Saito began self-studying costume design, drawing on the sensibility he developed from practicing the Ohara School of Ikebana since childhood. He has wide-ranging experience, from working with artists like Ayumi Hamasaki, Kiyoshi Hikawa, Naomi Watanabe, to providing costumes for director Mika Ninagawa's movies like "xxxHOLiC" and "Diner," and overseeing costumes for Japan's representative theme parks, the "One Piece" ice show, and the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games closing ceremony. Recently, he has gained media attention as a costume designer, being featured in programs like "Jonetsu Tairiku" and magazines like "SO-EN."

Costume Design as a Turning Point in Life

Hirosumi Saito, who has loved unique and flamboyant fashion since childhood, became increasingly interested in Harajuku style and overseas underground fashion during high school.
After moving to Tokyo for university, he started frequenting clubs. He describes this choice as influenced by the diversity of creators he encountered in these spaces, differing in age and position, which he found fascinating.
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