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Decked Out with the Latest Technology! The Power of Panasonic's Beauty Device "Vitalift RF EX"

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With the increase of staying at home due to the pandemic, the "home beauty" market has become vibrant, and products are becoming hits even in high price ranges if their effectiveness is felt. The momentum of beauty appliances shows no signs of slowing down.
Among these, Panasonic's beauty device "Vitalift RF EX," which was released at a retail price of just under 80,000 yen, has garnered substantial support despite its high price range.
Therefore, I spoke with Yusuke Morita, who is in charge of product planning for Panasonic Beauty, about the latest developments in beauty devices and the technology equipped in the Vitalift RF EX.
Yusuke Morita
Yusuke Morita

Panasonic Corporation Beauty & Personal Care Division Face & Body Care Product Planning Department

Beauty Devices Evolve Beyond What Cosmetics Can Achieve

You have released a new beauty device, but when did Panasonic start developing these products?
I believe you are aware that Panasonic's founder was Konosuke Matsushita, and many of the products developed by him were from a women's perspective. The prototype of the "mama-chari" was developed by our company and was even part of bridal trousseaux back in the day.
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