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What is Levi's Mysterious Line 'RED'? Explained in Detail by a Group of Collectors

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Levi's. The world-renowned jeans brand needs no introduction.
Established in 1853 and completing the prototype of today's jeans in 1873, Levi's is the origin of a major apparel genre and is steeped in history. They've exerted an influence on fashion that may not be seen again in the future.
For this reason, Levi's has woven a complex and intricate tapestry of fashion delight. With every detail, like the fabric, dyeing process, sewing, selvedge, and rivets, the appeal of their jeans has a cosmic breadth that has enthralled enthusiasts the world over. Collectors who continue to amass vintage models like the 501XX, World War-era models, the latest designer collaborations, custom orders, and store-limited products, in a sense, know Levi's better than Levi's itself.
There is one line that is exceptionally mysterious, and that line is 'Levi's®️ RED' or 'RED' for short. For this article, we conducted an interview with the collector group 'RED-no-kai' (literally, 'Red Club'). Introducing many real products, we've dived into the depths of jeans where there is no official information.
*All images in this article are provided by 'RED-no-kai'
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