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Fashion Design & Technology

Fashion Design & Technology

In this special feature on Fashion Tech News, we will consider the evolution of fashion design and the surrounding technology landscape. With the environmental impacts and business challenges that the fashion industry is grappling with, current initiatives involving technology for sustainable solutions and novel fashion designs are being explored. Not only established fashion corporations but also tech companies, startups, and other organizations are gaining more attention each year for their expansive contributions across various sectors. These include AI and tech-assisted apparel production, development of eco-friendly materials using biotechnology, entry into the worlds of the metaverse and digital fashion, and more. In this feature, we will reflect on the 2010s, when these initiatives began to seriously take off, and together with Daijiro Mizuno, a professor at the Center for the Possible Futures of Kyoto Institute of Technology and author of "Sustainable Fashion" published in September this year, we will discuss what the future of fashion design and technology should look like.

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