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Daijiro Mizuno × Ayaka Inoue: Considering the future of Japan based on the “Report on the Future of Fashion”

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We present a special feature of “Fashion Design & Technology” with Daijiro Mizuno, a professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology's Center for the Possible Futures. In this final installment, we welcome Ayaka Inoue from the Fashion Policy Office of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for a discussion.
In November to December 2021, the Ministry gathered 34 experts for the “Study Group on Fashion Futures” (Chaired by Daijiro Mizuno). The contents of this study were later published on their website in 2022 as the “Report on the Future of Fashion.” This attracted significant attention, particularly from those involved in the fashion industry.
Inoue was responsible for coordinating this study group and is currently studying luxury business in Paris. In this session, she discusses the significance of the report, trends in fashion technology in France, and the direction Japan aims to take in the future.
Daijiro Mizuno
Daijiro Mizuno

Born in 1979. Professor at Kyoto Institute of Technology's Center for the Possible Futures and Specially Appointed Professor at Keio University Graduate School. Completed advanced doctoral study at the Royal College of Art, earning a Doctorate in Arts (Fashion Design). Engages in practical research and criticism that bridge design and society.

His recent works include "サステナブル・ファッション: ありうるかもしれない未来." Other co-authored works include "サーキューラー・デザイン," "クリティカルワード・ファッションスタディーズ," "インクルーシブデザイン," "リアル・アノニマスデザイン," and edited works such as "vanitas."

Ayaka Inoue
Ayaka Inoue

Section Chief, Fashion Policy Office, Cool Japan Policy Bureau, Commerce and Service Group, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Economics, joined the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in 2016. She worked at the Security Trade Management Policy Division of the Trade Controls Bureau and the General Affairs Division of the Trade Policy Bureau before joining the Fashion Policy Office, Cool Japan Policy Bureau in April 2019. Since August 2022, she has been studying luxury brand management at a business school in France.

3 Major Insights Gained from the Study Group

MizunoTo conclude the feature, I would like to hear about “fashion technology” from the perspective of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, so we welcome Ayaka Inoue.

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