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Daijiro Mizuno 'Considering the 2010s a Turning Point for Fashion Design'

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Fashion Tech News brings you cross-disciplinary feature projects to consider the future of fashion and technology, inviting guest supervisors from various fields. In the fifth installment, we welcome Daijiro Mizuno, and the theme is 'Fashion Design & Technology'.
Before the term 'Fashion Tech' became popular in Japan, Mizuno started focusing on the relationship between the challenges the fashion industry faces and information technology from the early 2010s, conducting research to break through the stagnation and issues in fashion design, and held extensive discussions with various persons associated with fashion.
The initiative he started in 2012 was compiled into "ファッションは更新できるのか?会議 人と服と社会のプロセス・イノベーションを夢想する", which became a significant achievement in the discourse on fashion design in the 2010s.
Fast forward 10 years to 2022, a report titled "ファッションの未来に関する報告書" on the future of fashion, the result of discussions of the research council 'Considering the Future of Fashion' established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, and chaired by Mizuno, was published. The report drew enormous attention for organizing the issues in the fashion industry and proposing for the future.
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