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Creating Correct Employment Through Outdoor Gear! The Material "(Re)Purpose™" Promoted by Cotopaxi

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The sustainable brand from America, Cotopaxi, collects excess materials produced by mass production to create unique and high-performance bags and outdoor gear under the name "(Re)Purpose™." We spoke with Christina Kawashima, PR Representative of Alco International Co., Ltd. Marketing Department, about their activities and items.
"Let me first discuss what Cotopaxi is. The brand started in 2014, founded by an American named Davis Smith. Davis spent his childhood in Central and South America, and during that time, he witnessed the environments in which children of his age lived and worked, which made him passionate about wanting to change those conditions.
"Cotopaxi began with the idea of creating jobs that could contribute to society. The brand's philosophy includes 'Creating Correct Employment'.
"The mindset is not about hiring people to make the products but ensuring they can lead a prosperous life and maintain a certain standard of living.
"Cotopaxi's name comes from the mountain in the Andes, Ecuador. The llama in the brand's logo reflects the fact that Davis had a pet llama during his childhood. So, his childhood surroundings are mirrored in the brand."
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