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[Not Yet Available in Japan] Transforming the Traditional Portuguese Carnival nto Fashion: The Story of "Entrudo" Crafted by a Mother-Daughter Duo

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I wish every day could be a carnival—
These bold desires took shape in the fashion brand "Entrudo," born from the traditional carnival of northern Portugal.
Designer Susana Ribeiro, drawing from her upbringing in this region, has attempted to elevate the long-standing fervor and vibrant colors of the carnival into contemporary fashion. Much of her collection is meticulously crafted by local artisans, infusing each piece with traditional craftsmanship and the spirit of festivity.
This time, we delve into the charm of Entrudo," where the traditions of Portugal's carnival and skilled craftsmanship intersect.
Susana Ribeiro

Co-Founder & Designer of "Entrudo"

A New Challenge Brought by the Carnival

When people think of carnival, many envision Brazil in South America. However, Europe also boasts regions that have preserved carnival traditions for centuries. One such place is the small village of Podence in northern Portugal.
The Carnival of Podence, which is recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, is believed to trace its origins back to the Roman era. There are theories that it began as a ritual praying for a bountiful harvest before the arrival of spring.
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