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The Fast Adoption Rate Reflects High Domestic Demand: fermata Discusses the Femtech Market

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Leading the femtech market in Asia and Japan is fermata Inc.. Since its founding in 2019, the company has embraced the vision, "Until your taboos turn into excitement," and has been engaged in solving and supporting women's wellness issues, which are still often considered taboo.
"Femtech" has been increasingly gaining traction in recent years, with products seen in various shops and an increase in corporate efforts such as events. We spoke with the company's COO, Kana Kondo, about the journey femtech has taken from its introduction to Japan up to the present.
Kana Kondo

Born in 1989. Graduated from Kobe University. After handling new business development, planning, sales, and service direction at Pixiv Inc., she joined DeNA Co., Ltd. in 2015. She spent about four and a half years with the 'SHOWROOM' team after a spinoff from the DeNA group, overseeing business and product development as a manager. She joined fermata in December 2019, overseeing business strategy, marketing, and sales.

Femtech's Adoption Rate is Among the Top

First, can you give us an overview of the services offered by fermata?
fermata offers a range of services including an e-commerce platform and events for B2C, as well as consulting services for companies looking to enter the femtech market for B2B. Founded in October 2019, our goal was to create a femtech market in Japan and Asia, which had been gaining attention in the startup industries in Europe and the United States. When we initially considered where to start, we realized that issues related to women's mental and physical health were not being verbalized.

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