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The Ukrainian Brand "IENKI IENKI" Continues Local Production Amidst War

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Founded in 2016, the luxury outerwear brand IENKI IENKI has generated significant buzz in the fashion industry.
By presenting down outerwear derived from sportswear, while maintaining functionality with vibrant colors and structured silhouettes, the brand has positioned itself at the forefront of trends.
Founder and CEO Dima Ievenko has steadfastly upheld local production in Ukraine for eight years, even amidst the challenges of war. This commitment is rooted in the development capabilities of lightweight down materials, the exceptional craftsmanship available locally, and the strong unity within the community.
This time, we delve into the essence of the revolutionary brand "IENKI IENKI" by discussing the brand's journey, its designs merging functionality with fashion, and the technologies involved with Dima.
Dima Ievenko
Dima Ievenko

Founder & CEO of "IENKI IENKI"

Originally from Ukraine, Dima graduated from a polytechnic design university and, after accumulating a decade of experience in luxury retail, founded the luxury outerwear brand "IENKI IENKI" in 2016. He is globally recognized for innovative designs, vibrant colors, and high-quality craftsmanship, redefining sporty down outerwear as a fashion piece.

Outerwear is the Essence of Clothing

First, could you share how you came to establish the brand?
Throughout my career, I have always been involved with fashion. I have gained extensive experience in opening retail locations, sourcing and purchasing for brands, and promoting in the Ukrainian market.
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