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Water-Repellent & Stain-Resistant Materials Take Center Stage: Exploring the Allure of "KEYUCA Apparel," Clothing for Busy Modern Women

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Known as a "lifestyle shop that colors daily life," KEYUCA has made a significant leap into the apparel business to mark its 20th anniversary.
The primary target demographic is women in their late 30s to 50s. They are focusing on product development that balances functionality and design, with items made from stain-resistant and water-repellent materials (Nano-Tex processing) gaining particular acclaim.
A distinguishing feature of KEYUCA Apparel is that it transcends the limitations of a mere fashion brand, positioning itself as a designer of everyday life scenes.
This time, we had the opportunity to speak with Yoya Yoshika and Chika Fujii from Kawajun Co., Ltd. about the development background and product characteristics of KEYUCA Apparel, as well as its future prospects.

20th Anniversary: A New Challenge in Apparel Expansion

KEYUCA originally started as an interior shop and gradually expanded into fashion accessories. With the 20th anniversary, they decided to fully venture into the apparel business.
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