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The Philosophy of CEO Mahoto Harada of Lingble, a Japan-Based Company Creating a True Global EC

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Thanks to the internet, we can connect with the world no matter where we are. It's easier to communicate with people abroad, and with just a smartphone, we can enjoy shopping in stores all around the world.
Many companies are aiming to expand overseas as their market is open to the world. But just opening an EC site won't guarantee success. Issues of rights and laws also have to be solved. So, how should one go about expanding globally?
This time we interviewed Mahoto Harada, the CEO of the company we are featuring, 'Lingble Pte. Ltd.'. He supports companies that desire such global expansion. Although the company is registered in Singapore, being a global company, its employees are scattered all over the world, and it appears to operate a fully remote management. Harada himself resides in Paris.
He is a Japanese person doing business overseas, and a potential role model for young people aiming to start businesses abroad. We talked to him about the philosophy of Lingble, as well as his own endeavors to date.
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