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The Magic of Architecture: Maud Caubet Discusses the Future of the Industry

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The relationship between architecture and textiles represents a fascinating world that signifies a perfect fusion of aesthetics and functionality.
Investigating the impeccable union of environmental consideration, beauty and functionality, Maud Caubet pushes the envelope of architectural possibilities. She shares how she pursues innovative approaches in the world of architecture.
Maud Caubet
Maud Caubet

Born in Paris. Graduated in 2003 from the National School of Architecture, Paris-La Villette. Founded Maud Caubet Architectes in 2006. Awarded G20 Iconic Sustainable Buildings for Origine (Nanterre City). Recognized at Rethinking The Future Awards 2023 in the cultural category for Les SHEDS (Pantin City). Rachine (Paris 12ème) received an award in the ongoing project category at Nuit de l’immo 2023. Serving as a member of the French Academy of Architecture since 2022.

What kind of architectural style or approach do you take?
When initiating a project, it is crucial to have clear guidelines. These guidelines are rooted in our own values and beliefs.
My belief is simple: to imagine a project that harmonies with the essence and characteristics of its location. Buildings and locations that require renovation each possess their unique history and context. We value insights into the materials available in the area, daily habits, who will use the place, and future transitions. We consider what elements to keep and which to adapt for evolution.
My approach is not confined to a "style" but rather focuses on a mindset. It's similar to the methodology of geographers studying climate, topography, and the natural environment, and biologists examining ecosystems and interactions. And, like artists, we seek to transcend the whole and pursue beauty. This is a completely inclusive approach and a holistic method.
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