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A Meetup for Men's Dress Enthusiasts: The Organizer's Vision for "Sebiro Sanpo"

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On November 2nd, an exciting event called "Sebiro Sanpo" was held in Asakusa. This event, which involves strolling through the streets in suits, sets itself apart from the formal atmosphere typically associated with the word "suit." Participants proudly showcased their dashing outfits and engaged in lively fashion discussions, all while having a delightful time.
We interviewed Toshihiro Yasutake, one of the organizers, to delve into the background of his fascination with suits and to understand the story and goals behind hosting "Sebiro Sanpo." It became clear that a fervent desire to enjoy fashion and revitalize the industry was at the heart of this endeavor.
Toshihiro Yasutake
Toshihiro Yasutake

Working in Apparel
Born in Fukuoka and raised in Sapporo, after graduating from Bunka Fashion College, Yasutake joined an apparel company in 2005. He advanced from sales to press, and ultimately became the chief of sales promotion, before taking charge of owned media as of March. His mix-and-match style, heavily based on menswear but with room for creativity, has garnered global attention, even being featured in several pages of an overseas book. He loves fashionable clothes, accessories, and interior design more than food. One thing he can't stand is "shrimp." Instagram

Captivated by Suits: Entering the World of Men's Dress

First, can you tell us about your encounter with suits, Yasutake? What sparked your interest in them?
It was influenced by a classmate at Bunka Fashion College. Despite being in the first year, an unusual classmate, two years my senior, happened to have a hobby of shoe polishing, and by getting close to him, I began reading dress magazines.
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