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Ambient Weaving" Exhibition in Paris: What to Expect from the Updated Textiles

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An exhibition titled "Ambient Weaving," showcasing the collaborative research results of Hosoo Co., Ltd., UTokyo, and ZOZO NEXT Inc., will be held at LVMH Métiers d'Art. The LVMH Group established this organization to protect and promote traditional craftsmanship.
The exhibition will run from September 30 to October 11, 2024, showcasing nine works along with one Historical Research piece. This event has come to fruition through the partnership between Ambient Weaving and Hosoo Co., Ltd., and was inspired by interactions during last spring's event, leading to the decision to exhibit in Paris, France.
At this exhibition, visitors will witness a fusion of traditional artisan techniques and innovative textile technologies. Notably, three previously showcased textiles—S(urr)ound, Woven Pixels, and Iridescence—will be presented in updated versions. We spoke to Kayato Sasaki, Motoki Takano, and Michika Saji from ZOZONEXT, who are responsible for the development.
Kayato Sasaki

After experience in advertising promotions, interactive installations, interactive content, and web production at a production company, he joined ZOZO NEXT in 2022. He works on the IoT/Textile team, which conducts research, technical development and commercialization of smart textiles. He assists in the development of new textiles and project progress.

Motoki Takano

A device engineer, Takano joined ZOZO NEXT in 2022. He takes charge of circuit design, enclosure design, and hardware-software implementation on the IoT/Textile team of the MATRIX division. The team develops new seed technologies related to smart textiles and device technologies, designs interactions using these technologies, and works on their commercialization.

Michika Saji

In 2021 she joined ZOZO NEXT’s IoT/Textile team as a designer after having studied Industrial Design at university. Currently, she supports the prototyping of textiles and products using them. Using textiles as a medium to design and develop new experiences.

S(urr)ound presents "Moving Sound" experienced within a circle

I would like to delve deeper into the details of this exhibition. First, could you give us an overview of S(urr)ound, which you are in charge of, Mr. Sasaki?
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