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Digital Fashion Brand "REVINAL" Launches Items Compatible with VRChat! Hear About the Accelerating Evolution of Fashion × XR

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As we entered the 2020s, the term "metaverse" became a common topic of discussion. As of 2022, it's estimated that there are around 400 million users worldwide, with about 6 million users in Japan[1]. Among these, "VRChat," released by the American company VRChat Inc. in 2017, is a massive metaverse platform with users from all over the globe.
In this context, ZOZO NEXT's digital fashion brand "REVINAL" has launched a sale of fashion items on BOOTH for avatars in "VRChat."
REVINAL's foray into digital fashion marks its third installment, following "DRESSX" and "ZEPETO." We spoke with Yuki Ikegami and Miho Nakamura, who led this project, about the themes and details of the newly released items, as well as the future plans for REVINAL.
Yuki Ikegami

After gaining experience in planning and pattern making at an apparel brand, he joined ZOZO Technologies (now ZOZO NEXT) as a 3D artist in 2020. He is responsible for project management of new initiatives and the production of 3D data in the XR/AI department, which focuses on digital fashion and XR.

Miho Nakamura
Miho Nakamura

After working as a planner and 3D modeler at a textile trading company and apparel DX venture, she joined ZOZO NEXT in 2023. She handles project management for new businesses centered on digital fashion and production tasks as a 3D creator.

I Want Everyone to Enjoy the World of "REVINAL" Holistically

Can you please tell us about the overview of "REVINAL"?
Ikegami"REVINAL" is a digital fashion brand born from the digital fashion project "Project Drip," utilizing 3D and AI.
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