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A Must-Have for the Outdoor Scene! The Current Status of GORE-TEX Fabrics Showcased Across Various Fields

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In the midst of a massive outdoor boom, GORE-TEX has become a common sight even in urban fashion. Its highly recognized name carries a sense of reliability, though there are plenty of aspects that remain unknown to many. Besides wearables, GORE-TEX is used in medical devices like artificial blood vessels, as well as in industries ranging from automotive and mobile electronics to aerospace. This time, we will delve into its history, the secrets of its technology, and the rigorous quality control processes to unravel the "now" of GORE-TEX.

Gore's First Product was Actually an Insulating Cable!?

Many people don’t realize that "GORE-TEX" is the brand name provided by Gore, and "GORE-TEX Fabrics" is the name of the fabric itself. It's utilized in a variety of products such as apparel and shoes, but not many can explain the technology behind it. Given the trustworthiness of this material, there are numerous people eager to learn its true nature. To start, we asked Yuriko Ito, who is in charge of marketing for the GORE-TEX brand, about its history.
"Gore was established in 1958 in Delaware, USA. The founders, Bill and Vieve Gore, who previously worked at DuPont, believed in the potential of 'polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)', a polymer with high heat and chemical resistance, and left DuPont to pursue research and development.
"While PTFE has many features, they focused on its insulating properties. The first product introduced by Gore was an insulating cable. Later, their son Bob Gore joined the research, discovering that PTFE could be stretched under special conditions. By being able to form a uniform film, they advanced with the idea of using it as a membrane, leading to the inception of GORE-TEX Fabrics.
It was Bob Gore, Bill's son, who, upon rapidly stretching PTFE under certain conditions, coined the term "expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)"
It was Bob Gore, Bill's son, who, upon rapidly stretching PTFE under certain conditions, coined the term "expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)"
"Delaware, rich in greenery and nature, had fostered a love for the outdoors in the Gore family. With PTFE being made into a waterproof, breathable, and windproof membrane, Bob Gore thought to himself, 'Why not use this for outerwear?' Thus began the journey of incorporating Gore's material into outdoor wear, marking the birth of GORE-TEX Fabrics."
Gore secured a patent for products using the "expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE)" membrane (film-like material) in 1970. However, it would be some time before it was adopted in wearables.
When viewed with the naked eye, the membrane (film-like material) appears thin and white. This membrane, sandwiched between layers of fabric, becomes GORE-TEX Fabrics
When viewed with the naked eye, the membrane (film-like material) appears thin and white. This membrane, sandwiched between layers of fabric, becomes GORE-TEX Fabrics
Viewing the membrane under an electron microscope reveals a continuous network of tiny gaps. This porous structure bestows GORE-TEX with its key attributes: waterproofness, breathability, and windproofness
Viewing the membrane under an electron microscope reveals a continuous network of tiny gaps. This porous structure bestows GORE-TEX with its key attributes: waterproofness, breathability, and windproofness
"In the mid-1970s, around the same time, multiple brands started releasing outerwear made with GORE-TEX Fabrics. Notable among them were 'Early Winters', 'Synergy Works', and 'Marmot'. The first to recognize its value were brands focused on functionality, notably in the outdoor sector."
This marked the exponential rise of the GORE-TEX brand.
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