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Prestigious "Lowe Alpine" Functional Backpack "Airzone" Series Is Not to Be Missed

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It's the perfect season to enjoy the outdoors—walking on cool highlands and ridgelines during summer, and exploring refreshing low mountains in autumn. Nowadays, with the compactness of belongings, you don't need to carry bulky luggage for day trips or one-night mountain walks (staying at a hotel at the base or a mountain hut). Putting your necessary gear in a small backpack and walking lightly is practical and also convenient for everyday city walks.
Is there a backpack around 20 liters in capacity that is equipped with useful functions for mountain walks and can also be used conveniently in the city? If you compare various options in outdoor specialty stores, the "Lowe Alpine" "Airzone" series stands out both in terms of matching the conditions and being reasonably priced. So, I visited LandR and spoke with Sales Manager Tsuyoshi Yamazaki.
Airzone Active 18—12,100 yen (tax included), capacity 18 liters, weight 765g. Available in four colors: light khaki, grape, navy, and black. There is also a 22-liter type for 12,650 yen (tax included), weighing 770g.
Airzone Active 18—12,100 yen (tax included), capacity 18 liters, weight 765g. Available in four colors: light khaki, grape, navy, and black. There is also a 22-liter type for 12,650 yen (tax included), weighing 770g.

High Stability with Aluminum Frame & Breathability & Comfort with Mesh Back

 "'Lowe Alpine' is an outdoor brand founded in 1967 in Colorado, USA, by the three Lowe brothers—Mike Lowe, Greg Lowe, and Jeff Lowe—who left their mark on climbing history. They were renowned as top climbers of their time, particularly Jeff Lowe (1950–2018), who holds many first ascent records and remains a superstar in the mountaineering world."
Before the Lowe brothers, successful climbers, launched their brand, the bags they used were heavy and unstable, hindering further challenges. To overcome this, they developed their own backpack, "The Expedition Pack," and released it alongside the establishment of the brand.
"This 'The Expedition Pack' was the first in the world to feature an aluminum internal frame, significantly enhancing backpack stability and greatly reducing the physical burden on climbers. Since then, 'Lowe Alpine' has continued to innovate, making significant strides in lightweight and ease of use by first using plastic in parts that traditionally used metal.
Following this, 'Lowe Alpine' introduced the 'Airzone Back System,' which enhances back ventilation and makes it easier to dissipate heat, continuing to lead backpack evolution to this day. Their current 'Airzone' series products gather the best of technology from 'Lowe Alpine.'"
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