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"Shoes Without Heels" Evolve Further! The Potential of Mizuno's Latest Top Racing Shoe "WAVE REBELLION PRO 3"

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Members equipped with insights on how to run faster have gathered at Mizuno’s SMOOTH SPEED PROJECT. While pursuing smoothness in speed running, they developed the patented SMOOTH SPEED ASSIST.
What kind of shoes are the new models “WAVE REBELLION PRO 3” and “WAVE REBELLION PRO LOW”?
WAVE REBELLION PRO 3, 29,700 yen (tax included)
WAVE REBELLION PRO 3, 29,700 yen (tax included)
WAVE REBELLION PRO LOW, 29,700 yen (tax included)
WAVE REBELLION PRO LOW, 29,700 yen (tax included)

Released “Shoes Without Heels” in 2022

First, let’s confirm the SMOOTH SPEED PROJECT and SMOOTH SPEED ASSIST. The SMOOTH SPEED PROJECT started in 2021. Members within Mizuno who possess the knowledge to help people run faster gathered across departmental lines to begin the pursuit of smoothness in speed running.
By taking a zero-based approach to manufacturing, they embraced new ideas and flexibly adopted whatever was beneficial. This led to the innovation named SMOOTH SPEED ASSIST.
SMOOTH SPEED ASSIST is a patented sole structure that incorporates insights gained from Mizuno’s development of sprint spikes. The forefoot is designed to curve at a natural angle during forefoot landing, while the midfoot is extended to provide stability at landing and achieve significant energy return.
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