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The +5℃ Warmth Effect: The Functional Material "Heat Navi" Used in "Move Sport" Wear

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In recent years, the evolution of functional materials has been remarkable—something unimaginable in an era when one could only choose clothing made from natural materials sourced from plants and animals. This season, particularly noteworthy at "Move Sport" is "Heat Navi Ⓡ)" which warms up by converting light into heat.
To learn more about the functional material "Heat Navi," I visited Descente Japan Ltd. I spoke with Naoto Tominaga from the Research and Development Department, and Yuhei Nagamatsu from the Move Sport Marketing Department, who discussed popular products like the Soft Shell Hoodie.
HEATNAVI TOUGH Soft Shell Hoodie, 11,990 yen (tax included). Available in five colors: Green x Black (as shown in the photo), Navy, Blue x Black, Black, Red x Black. Sizes available: S, M, L, O, XO, 2XO.
HEATNAVI TOUGH Soft Shell Hoodie, 11,990 yen (tax included). Available in five colors: Green x Black (as shown in the photo), Navy, Blue x Black, Black, Red x Black. Sizes available: S, M, L, O, XO, 2XO.

Equipped with Unique Technology that Efficiently Absorbs All Wavelengths of Light and Converts it to Heat

While a rainbow in the sky is described as having seven colors, it is well-known that there are invisible infrared and ultraviolet rays beyond the visible spectrum from red to violet. All these different wavelengths of light generate some heat when they hit a material.
"Normally, while you may feel warmth in places exposed to strong direct sunlight, if you avoid the sunlight, they quickly cool down. Most materials, including skin and fabric, cannot absorb light and convert it to heat. Our functional material 'Heat Navi' has made this possible."
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