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The Future Prospects of Nike & Air Leveraging AI

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In April, the new product launch event "Nike On Air" was held in Paris, France. There, state-of-the-art products equipped with Air, such as "NIKE PEGASUS PREMIUM" and "NIKE MAXFLY 2", were showcased. Additionally, the concept models from the new project named A.I.R (Athlete Imagined Revolution) were unveiled. These creations, utilizing cutting-edge AI and 3D printing technology, provoke a sense of an upcoming future.
What path will Nike pave, and how will their products evolve from here? We spoke to John Hoke, Nike's Chief Innovation Officer, and Matthew Nurse, Vice President of NSRL (Nike Sport Research Lab).
Concept models created in collaboration with 13 athletes through A.I.R
Concept models created in collaboration with 13 athletes through A.I.R

AI as a Robust Support Technology in Manufacturing

John Hoke, Nike's Chief Innovation Officer who led A.I.R, discusses the utilization of the latest tools such as AI, 3D printing technology, and computational design for A.I.R. He states, "The future of innovation and design at Nike is not just in the tools themselves, but in the connection between Nike and these tools, as well as in how these tools deepen the connection between athletes and designers. A.I.R combines cutting-edge imagination and skilled craftsmanship with new technology and digital functionality."
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