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Experience the Potential of the "Nike Pegasus 41" as Explained by Their Long-Time Companion, Suguru Osako

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Following the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, Suguru Osako has already secured his spot in the men's marathon for this summer's Paris Olympics. The shoes that are indispensable for his daily race training are none other than the Nike "Pegasus" series.
Since its debut in 1983, the "Pegasus" has continuously evolved with feedback from numerous runners, earning trust and remaining a beloved best-seller for 41 years. Osako himself has been training in the "Pegasus" for over 10 years.
The latest "Nike Pegasus 41" has undergone some notable developments. We spoke with Suguru Osako to learn more.
The previous model, the "Nike Pegasus 40," featured a midsole made with the highly durable and responsive Nike React Foam. The "Nike Pegasus 41" utilizes the same Nike React Foam for its midsole.
Nike React Foam is also used in the "Nike Infinity Run 4." This material was developed over more than five years at the NSRL (Nike Sports Research Lab). Compared to conventional Nike React Foam, it offers a 13% improvement in energy return while reducing carbon emissions from midsole production by 43%.
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