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Check Out the Comfortable Hoodie from "POLEWARDS" that Balances Breathability and Warmth, Keeping You Warm without Getting Stuffy!

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Transitioning between seasons makes it challenging to adjust clothing according to temperature changes. Heading out in light clothing might unexpectedly result in a drop in temperature, leaving you feeling cold, while dressing warmly could mean overheating and sweating. Cold weather can be uncomfortable, but feeling hot and stuffy is equally unpleasant, not to mention that sweaty clothes can rob your body of heat as they dry through evaporation.
Utilizing outdoor wear that can adapt to weather changes in everyday life can help maintain a suitable environment within the clothing. Items built to withstand harsh conditions also prove effective in daily situations. Therefore, we focused on the lightweight functional wear from the brand known for polar gear, "POLEWARDS," specifically the "EXC REDPOINT V3 HD" hoodie, and spoke with Hiroharu Noga, the executive director of Zanter Co., Ltd.
EXC REDPOINT V3 HD, 31,900 yen (tax included). Available in olive as shown in the photo and black; sizes include S, M, L, and LL.
EXC REDPOINT V3 HD, 31,900 yen (tax included). Available in olive as shown in the photo and black; sizes include S, M, L, and LL.

Unique Material that Releases Heat When Moving and Retains Warmth When Stationary

This hoodie is easy to wear on a daily basis, giving off an impression of a lightweight parka, but it's actually made entirely from a uniquely developed functional material. This is what allows it to be lightweight while providing warmth and breathability without causing stuffiness.
"Breathability and warmth often oppose each other, and to develop comfortable wear that meets both needs, we have to start with material development. Our company has a track record of creating unique functional materials through collaborative development with fabric manufacturers for our other products, and the material used in this hoodie is also original and exclusive to our products.
"For example, the thin filling between the outer and inner layers is a proprietary functional material called 'EXCORE.' It has a high loft structure with large cavities within the fibers that trap a significant amount of air. Officially, it is referred to as 'EXCORE HEAT LOFT.' Despite being lightweight, it retains dead air effectively, offering high insulation properties."
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