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Interview: 'New Customer Touchpoints' Created by Adastria's Metaverse Fashion Initiatives

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In the second installment of the series 'The Era of Digital Fashion', we delve into the metaverse fashion initiatives of leading fashion corporation Adastria Co., Ltd.
In its medium-term management plan, Adastria has devised four growth strategies, one of which emphasizes 'digital customer touchpoints and services', and in July 2022, the company launched its efforts in creating new customer touchpoints through its metaverse project.
In October of the same year, Adastria launched its first metaverse fashion project, which involved creating original avatars and skins for '.st' in collaboration with external popular creators. Additionally, in April, Adastria started creating metaverse fashion in-house by hiring enu., a metaverse fashion creator.
In this interview, we spoke with Atsush Shimada, the manager of Adastria's metaverse project, and enu., a 3DCG designer, about the current status of and future plans for Adastria's metaverse fashion initiatives.
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